
SQB is a leading financial driver in Uzbekistan, actively contributing to the development of an efficient and sustainable economy that is good for society and the environment. We are committed to working with all our stakeholders, including our employees, customers, investors, shareholders, partners and the government, and place particular emphasis on fostering creativity in solving complex problems.

We consider the environmental and social impact of the Bank's activities

Through its engagement with all industries and sectors of the economy, the Bank makes an important contribution to the field of sustainable development in line with UN global initiatives.

International Day of No Pesticides: Why It Matters to All of Us
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Uzpromstroybank: Environmental Initiatives to Protect Water Resources and Coastal Ecosystems
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SQB's Green Strategy: Sustainable Development in action
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Uzpromstroybank continues to adhere to the "Day without a Car" initiative, which took place on July 24.
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Contribution to sustainable water resources management
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Uzpromstroybank actively promotes and supports the idea of gender equality in its activities.
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Uzpromstroybank makes a significant contribution to achieving its strategic goal
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Initiatives of Uzpromstroybank to Support a Healthy Lifestyle and Well-Being
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World No Tobacco Day: The Green Banking Department calls for taking care of health and the environment!
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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) highly appreciated the contribution made by JSCB Uzpromstroybank to the development of the green economy
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EBRD appreciated the contribution made by SQB to the development of the green economy
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SQB's main sustainable development activities

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World Cleanliness Day 2023

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Конкурс детских рисунков на тему "Защита окружающей среды"

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Uzpromstroybank and the Global Green Growth Institute: new memorandum of understanding on green investments

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International Climate Day calls for urgent action to mitigate the effects of climate change

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SQB's main sustainable development activities
The Bank's sustainable development policy:
Environmental and social risk management:
Environmental protection:
Improving working conditions for employees:
Respect for human rights and financial support:
Social responsibility and public support:
Improving corporate governance practices:
Climate awareness:
Awards and accomplishments
Награды и достижения SQB

"ESG Business" award from ESG Business magazine

Награды и достижения SQB

Certificate from CAFI for the highest emissions reduction in FY23.

Награды и достижения SQB

Certificate of Appreciation from Chapter Zero Uzbekistan.

Награды и достижения SQB

Certificate of Appreciation from the Ministry of Ecology of Uzbekistan for participation in the eco-event.

Награды и достижения SQB

EDGE Certificate for achievements in energy savings, water savings, and reduced carbon footprint.

Награды и достижения SQB

Green Finance Awards Certificate for the Best Green Investment Bank.

Награды и достижения SQB

"Trade Deal of the Year – Issuing Bank" award from the Asian Development Bank.

EBRD’s Green Trade Deal of the Year Award

Highest Estimated Green House Gas Emissions Mitigated FY2022

Нighest estimated green house gas emissions mitigated in FY23

Сертификат «Зеленая энергия» - 2023

Mountain Day: Where Inspiration is Born and Life is Preserved

Every year on December 11, the world celebrates International Mountain Day — a date that reminds us of the importance of these majestic natural...

International Day for the Adoption of the Declaration of Animal Rights and the Role of Uzpromstroybank

On December 10, the world observes the International Day for the Adoption of the Declaration of Animal Rights, reminding us of the importance o...

International Volunteer Day in SQB

On December 5, the world celebrates the International Day of Volunteers for Economic and Social Development. This day highlights the importance...

Last updated date: 03.12.2024 17:38  