
The aim is to support socially and environmentally oriented projects.

Green Banking's key tasks

Assessment of energy efficiency

Consultations on green technologies

Financing green projects

Environmental and social risk assessments

Adherence to the rules and principles of green business practices

Working with donors of green projects

Recommendations to reduce environmental risks

Introduction of renewable energy sources

Instruments of green finance
Green consumer loans for individuals

Financing the purchase of renewable energy systems and ecological housing

Lending to small and medium-sized enterprises

Financing renewable energy projects

Lending to corporate customers

Lending for socially and environmentally responsible projects

Stages of development

SQB has embarked on a journey to become a universal bank operating on market principles. To achieve this, we have engaged 16 experts from the IFC and EBRD.


Green Banking division established

Regulatory documents

Developed ESG policy and procedure. Developed environmentally friendly products for corporate and retail businesses

Green products and recognition

Developed green products for small and medium enterprises. Developed business processes. Established green loan portfolios. Received EBRD TFP 2020 Green Trade Award


MFCA named Best Green Bank for 2020. EBRD TFP 2021 Green Trade Award

EBRD Awards

EBRD Deal of the Year - Green Trade Award for promoting energy efficient technologies in Uzbekistan

Benefits of green finance

Acceptable credit terms

Technical support for the project

Utilising Green Technology Selection

Energy saving

Awards and achievements

Нighest estimated green house gas emissions mitigated in FY23

Largest number of climate transactions reported in CAFY in FY23

TFP Deal of the Year 2020: Green Trade

Green Finance Awards - 2021

TFP Deal of the Year 2021: Green Trade

Highest Estimated Green House Gas Emissions Mitigated FY2022

Largest Amount of Climate Loans Disbursed FY2022

Largest Number of Climate Transactions reported in CAFI FY2022

Certificate EBRD Samarkand 2023 Green trade energy efficiency

Green Energy Certificate - 2023

Green loans from JSCB Uzpromstroybank


Status and perspectives of ESG system implementation in SQB


Sustainable Finance Framework


Second Party Opinion - 12.07.2024


ESG and Sustainable Development Report of JSCB Uzpromstroibank for 2023 and the first half of 2024

Uzpromstroybank continues to adhere to the "Day without a Car" initiative, which took place on August 28.

This project is being implemented within the framework of the state program of the strategy "Uzbekistan-2030", according to the pres...

Implementation of the most important strategic objectives

SQB is focused on the implementation of the most important strategic tasks aimed at expanding access to finance and creating sociall...

Uzpromstroybank: Support for industry and infrastructure

Uzpromstroybank promotes the development of the oil and gas, chemical, energy, transport, metallurgical and textile industries.


Last updated date: 15.08.2024 12:29  