World No Tobacco Day: The Green Banking Department calls for taking care of health and the environment!

Today, on May 31, 2024 the whole world unites in support of a healthy lifestyle and the fight against smoking. On this day, the Green Banking Department of Uzpromstroybank expresses its support to all those who strive to improve their health and the environment.

Let's assume that the average smoker smokes 10 cigarettes a day or 3,650 cigarettes a year. Then, in two years, the number of cigarettes smoked is 14.9 billion per year. And if we take WHO's calculations, then this number increases to 41 billion pieces. Thus, people who quit smoking over the past two years save from 1.5 to 4.1 million trees per year (at the rate of 0.0001 trees for the production of one cigarette) or from 3.3 to 10.2 thousand hectares of mature forest, which is comparable to the territory of Iceland.

If we take into account that emissions from one cigarette (taking into account emissions obtained during its production and smoking) amount to 0.026 kg of CO2 eq., then those who quit smoking reduce emissions by at least 389 thousand. tons of CO2–eq. per year, which is comparable to emissions from the production of about 14.5 billion coffee capsules or emissions from the combustion of aviation fuel for 52 thousand flight hours.

Let's take another step forward in protecting our planet. Quit smoking, and your small actions will lead to big changes for our nature!