Uzprostroybank actively promotes the development of education and professional development of its employees and clients. Every year, the bank allocates from 10 to 15 million dollars for loans aimed at comprehensive and high-quality education.

As part of its educational strategy, Uzprostroybank holds many events, such as the Book challenge, the intellectual game "SQB Zakovat" and Kaizen teams, which promote learning.

All offices of the bank are equipped with their own libraries, which provides access to educational resources for employees. The Bank also provides scholarships to students who plan to link their career with Uzprostroybank.

Uzprostroybank invests in professional development through its Training Center and the School of Entrepreneurs, where more than 2,000 employees, including a significant number of women, are trained annually. These programs contribute to professional development and leadership development among participants.

Additionally, the bank conducts public events to improve financial literacy among employees and customers, which contributes to strengthening their financial well-being and stability.