There are two women on the Supervisory Board of the bank, which underlines the desire for diversity and inclusion of representatives of both sexes in management structures.

The bank's HR strategy includes requirements for gender equality, which is reflected in the recruitment policy, career development and creation of equal opportunities for men and women. The desire to create an inclusive and equal working environment in the bank is reflected by an almost equal number of men and women.

The Bank actively supports women in their quest to occupy key positions, which is confirmed by initiatives such as Ladies Club aimed at preparing women for leadership positions. There are 102 women working in senior positions at Uzpromstroybank.

As part of its social responsibility, the bank provides interest-free loans to students, contributing to their education and professional development. Thanks to the loans granted, an average of 15,000 new jobs are created annually, of which 4-5 thousand are occupied by women, this contributes to economic development and social integration.

Uzpromstroybank continues to actively develop its social policy, promoting gender equality and supporting women in achieving professional heights