On May 15, International Climate Day is celebrated, based on the signed agreement, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, concluded between representatives of the governments of 154 countries, calls for action by organizational structures and the people as a whole to procedures that help improve and preserve the climate by planting woody vegetation and reducing the use of electricity and heat.

As global temperatures continue to rise and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events increase, the need for urgent action on climate change becomes even more apparent.

Global warming poses a serious threat to our planet. Rising global temperatures are leading to water shortages, rising sea levels and more extreme weather conditions. The main contributing factor is anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions caused by industrial processes, transportation and other human activities.

On this International Climate Day, we urge joint action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to renewable energy sources. It is also necessary to adapt to the inevitable consequences of climate change by protecting vulnerable communities and ecosystems.

Every government, organization and individual can contribute. According to the strategy to achieve carbon neutrality, organizations must implement sustainable practices and invest in technologies that reduce emissions. Each of us can change our lifestyle, reduce our carbon footprint and support environmental initiatives.

International Climate Day highlights our collective responsibility for the future of our planet. By joining forces, we can take significant actions to protect our common home and ensure a sustainable future for all.

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