Uzpromstroybank promotes the development of the oil and gas, chemical, energy, transport, metallurgical and textile industries.

Each year, the bank allocates $1 billion to improve infrastructure, including roads, information technology, sanitation, energy and water supply. This makes it possible to finance 300-400 projects that contribute to the growth and modernization of the industry.

In addition, Uzprostroybank allocates from 1 to 1.5 billion dollars to support sustainable development and innovation in industry. $200-300 million of this amount is allocated for the modernization of industrial enterprises, helping them to improve equipment and introduce new technologies.

The bank also offers profitable loans and financial products for small businesses, helping them integrate into production networks and turnover. The Supply Chain Finance program supports small businesses by facilitating access to finance and increasing their involvement in the economy.

Last updated date: 06.08.2024 15:16  