Scaling the page:
Portal of State authority of the Republic of Uzbek...
The Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Strategy of actions on five priority directions of...
The single interactive state services portal
Press service of the President of the Republic of ...
The legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Repu...
Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Corporate information single portal
Association of Banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Information resource center of the stock market
'Tashkent' Republican Stock Exchange
Currency Exchange of the Republic of Uzbekistan
All Credits
Credit card "First"
Online loan for any purpose
Hire purchase at SQB MOBILE
Education credit (Temporarily suspended)
Education credit for female students(Temporarily suspended)
IT Education credit (Temporarily suspended)
Online microloan
Consumer credit (Temporarily suspended)
Credit for electricity payments
Repay the credit
All Mortgages
Mortgage for any dwelling
New building mortgage
Preferential Mortgage Loan (Mortgage KM-637) (Temporarily suspended)
Small and medium-sized businesses
Corporate clients
Services and facilities
Bank connection
All Cards
Visa Infinity
Visa Platinum
Visa Classic
Unionpay Gold
Mastercard World
Cards with individual design
Credit card
All Deposits
"Classic" deposit
"Ishonch" deposit
"Yuksalish" deposit
"Kelajakka sarmoya" deposit
"Daromadli" deposit
"Sarmoya" deposit
"Capital" deposit