When ordering a bank card, many people look for the "cheapest" one, with low maintenance costs. However, in order to choose the best option, it is important to evaluate the conditions and advantages of each type.
For example, SQB's HUMO and Uzcard debit cards are the most suitable for use in Uzbekistan.
Visa Infinite, Visa Platinum, Mastercard World and UnionPay Gold are convenient for travel and business trips abroad.
Go to the nearest bank office and fill in the application form. The only requirement for opening is a passport. Our specialists will help you choose a card.
Yes, all salary cards are ordinary debit cards.
First of all, call the official SQB Bank hotline number - 1180. Ask the operator if your card has been blocked and for what reason. You can unblock your card ONLY at the bank branch where it was opened.
Follow some simple but very important rules:
1. Choose a reliable PIN code and password for online banking.
2. Don't keep your passwords in public places. Many people have been victimised by writing their PIN on the plastic card itself.
3. Try not to give your card details by voice, but enter them yourself when paying.
4. Never enter your card details in pop-up boxes that suddenly appear on official websites.
5. Never give your card details and any codes over the phone.
PIN code, card expiry date, CVV and CVC codes. These codes are for different payment systems: CVV is for VISA and CVC is for MasterCard.