Structure of the bank

Chairman of the Board - Annaklichev Sakhi Saparmukhamedovich

The Chairman of Board of the Bank S. Annaklichev, along with the general management of the Bank's work, also heads and monitors the activities of the following structural divisions:

- Risk Management Department;

- Department of Human Resources Management;

- Compliance Control Department;

- Department of Strategic Development of the Bank;

- First department;

- Direct management of the Assets and Liabilities Management Committee;

- Coordination of the work of the Internal Audit Department.

Chairman of the Board - Akbarjonov Aziz Akbarjon ogli

First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank A. Akbarjonov manages and coordinates the activities of the following structural divisions:

- Legal Department;

- Department of development of production of building materials;

- Department for work with state programs;

- Cooperation with the Association "Uzpromstroymaterialy";

- coordination of the activities of the Corporate Consultant, the Corporate Governance Service, SQB Consulting LLC and SQB Insurance LLC. 

Deputy Chairman of Board - Vacant

Deputy Chairman of Board of the Bank  manages and coordinates the activities of the following structural divisions:

- Administrative and economic department;
- Operations Department;
- Department of sales of banking products and coordination of industries
- The educational center;
- Coordination of the activities of SQB Capital LLC;

Deputy Chairman of Board - Ergashev Anvarjon Abdumajitovich

Deputy Chairman of Board of the Bank A. Ergashev manages and coordinates the activities of the following structural divisions:

- Department of Small and Medium Business;

- Department of executive control;

- Department of Security and Information Protection;

- Management of the Investment Committee

Deputy Chairman of Board - Yakubov Shuxrat Israilovich

Deputy Chairman of Board of the Bank S.Yakubov manages and coordinates the activities of the following structural divisions:

- Department of corporate business;

- Department "GREEN BANKING";

- Signature of guarantees and sureties on behalf of the Bank;

- Management of the work of the Credit Committee.

- Coordination of activities of SQB Insurance LLC.

Deputy Chairman of Board - Raxmatov Baxtiyor Aliyevich

Deputy Chairman of Board of the Bank Raxmatov B.A. manages and coordinates the activities of the following structural divisions:

- Retail Business Department;

- Department of retail services support;

- PR & Marketing Department.

Chief Credit Director - Shermatov Mansur Nigmatovich

Chief Credit Director M. Shermatov manages and coordinates the activities of the following structural divisions:

- Credit Approval Department;

- Department of Credit Management;

- Department for work with problem loans.

- Coordination of activities of SQB Insurance LLC.

Chief Director for Resource Management - Khudayberganov Ilkhom Nematullaevich

Chief Director for Resource Management I. Khudayberganov,  manages and coordinates the activities of the following structural divisions:

- Department of accounting and financial management;

- Department of the Treasury;

- Department for work with financial institutions and investors;

- Department of Transaction Banking.

Advisor to the Chairman of the Board - Akmal Akramovich Khamidov

 Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board A. Khamidov, manages and coordinates the activities of the following structural divisions:

- Department of Information Technology;

- Center for Business Analysis and Modeling.

Last updated date: 13.08.2021 16:35  