Foreign economic activity

Foreign economic activity

It is of the utmost importance to provide the whole complex of banking services for clients’ foreign economic activities. Bank on continuing basis broadening the spectrum of its services’ in the field of foreign economic activities and always stays open for innovations in this area.

Clients – participants of foreign economic activities – using modern settlement instruments and technology can accomplish exchange operations with their foreign counter partners. Skilled specialists of the bank provide consultation of the clients at any stage of dealing.

According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About exchange control» and under the law currently in force normative acts in foreign economic activity sphere.

Bank gives following types of the services:

  • Registration and record keeping of export-import operations
  • Carrying out conversion operations
  • Carrying out documentary operations
  • International payments and press relations
  • Dealing  operations

Registration and record keeping of export-import operation

Foreign trade contracts (export, import and barter), concluded and accomplished by the managing subjects of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the foreign partner passing registration in accredited bank, with the exception of:

  • The contracts concluded on goods-raw materials exchanges of the republic for national currency;

  • An import operations of the individuals - a resident, dealing with business activity without education of the juridical persons;

  • an arrangements, connected with import of  goods in purpose of the shaping or renewing the authorized capital of the enterprises with foreign investments, and also on supplying  goods on voluntary base.

When stating the foreign trade contracts into the account declarant of the contract should represent to the bank:

  • Statement about stating the contract into the account, according to set forms with instruction of the type of the contract (export, import or barter) .
  • Original of the contract, initialed by parties-participant and its copy.
  • passport of the import deal (in that event if its import contract) " Permit of the Cabinet Minister or local services of power (district administration ) (in that event if  its barter contract) "
  • Certificate about registrations of the contract in MVESIT (in events, installed by legislation).

The Requirements presented to foreign trade contracts, must correspond to the acting normative acts, performance which compulsory to all participants of foreign economic activity.

The Import operations - an Edict of the President of the Republic of   Uzbekistan from 20.04.1994г.  UP-837 "About measures on ensuring the exchange control on export-import operations" resolution KM RU  95 from 13/03/1996 "About measure on improvement of the supervision for using the  funds in foreign currency in realization of foreign trade operations", resolution KM RU  416 from 30/09/2003 "About measures on improvement of the monitoring of export-import operations", condition  about procedures of formulation  into account  and payment of import contracts at the expense of the own exchange means of the managing subjects (Ministry of justice RU  1514 from 4/10/2005) Export and barter operations - condition  about procedures of  getting  register and realization of the supervision for performance export and barter contract in authorized banks (Ministry of justice) RU   954 from 09/08/2000), Resolution KM RU  245 from 29/06/2000 "About measures on the further development and consolidation off-board exchange market", Resolution KM RU  263 from 22/06/2001 "About measures on the further liberalization of exchange market".

Conversion operations

The Bank realizes the operations on purchase and sale of foreign currency on off-board exchange market. According to acting legislation the juridical persons has a possibility of and sale in foreign currency.

In the event of purchasing of foreign currency the enterprise and organizations-clients of the bank represent to the bank necessary documents and declaration for conversion, according to the forms established by Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Represented request of the clients is considered the created by Bank by expert group at three-day period.

In the event of correspondence to represented document installed requirements by expert group prepares the conclusion of the bank.

Sale enterprise and organization-client of the bank of foreign exchange, conversion of one foreign exchange in other are also conducted in accordance with requirements acting legislation.

Following normative acts install and adjust order of the undertaking conversion operation:

-a resolution KM RU  294 from 10.07.2001 "About measures on organizations and operation off board  market" -a resolution KM RU  263 from 22.06.2001 "About measure on the further liberalization of  exchange market".

Documentary operations

Uzpromstroybank in interest and on behalf of their own customers and banks-correspondent realizes the accounting operations in the form letter of credit and collection of payment.

Because of reputations of the Bank, as reliable partner, its letters of credit and collection of payment will be taken by all leading banks of the world in count line, which amount exceeds 350 million USA dollars, but wide network of the banks- correspondent and modern communication facility allow realizing the documentary operations at the short period.

Uzpromstroybank when receiving and performance documentary operations follows the Unified rules and custom for documentary letter of credit to publications MTP  600, redaction 2007г, and Unified rule on collection of payment MTP  522.

Increasing the  efficiency of operations at the expense  of the using documentary forms  of payment create the possibility to a customers and banks-correspondents of  Uzpromstroybank to attract the new partners on business, increasing its trade-economic activity and enlarging amounts of made operations.

On stage of preparing the contract specialists bank will render the skilled consulting help in choice of the most efficient structure documentary payments on a contract.

For performing the commission of the contracts of the banks-correspondent on documentary operations, Uzpromstroybank collects the brokerage fees and percentage in according to tariff of the commission for performing the commission contracts of the banks-correspondents. For performing the commission contracts of the customers on documentary operations, Uzpromstroybank collects the brokerage fees and percentage in accordance with tariff of the commission for performing the commission contracts of the customers.

International payments and correspondent's relations

Interacting with leading foreign and republican credits, financial organization, Uzpromstroybank offers to its customer’s big spectrum services in the field of international payments, provides to the customers more suitable terms of services.

Uzpromstroybank counts more than 374 banks - correspondents, includes 361 foreign banks in 58 countries of the world, among, which first-class European and American banks such as UBS AG, Citibank N.A., JP Morgan Chase Bank, Landesbank AG, Commerzbank AG, Landesbank Baden- Württemberg, Banque de commerce et de placements S.A., Raiffeisen bank international AG.

The indication   to high business reputation on international financial market is that Uzpromstroybank, as one of  the successful, recognized overseas banks of the republic, offers  to its customers  complex  of services to foreign economic activity, skilled consultancy, but if requires develops the individual schemes of  a payments.

The Main customers in the bank system are an enterprises such as oil and gas, fuel, chemical industry, as well as enterprises of energy, machine building and construction.

Money transfers

The Money transfers plays more important role in economy  of Uzbekistan. Bring the appreciable contribution to economic growing and increasing of well-being of the population of our republic. The Money, incoming final consumer, as a rule, are spent on home and educational needs.

Promote the stimulation of the flow of the exchange facilities to Uzbekistan. You may say that this interest free purposeful investments.

On the market of the money transfers of Uzbekistan Uzpromstroybank began its activity in 2002 year. At present, the bank occupies one of leading  places in given segment of the  market, granting to  its customers  simultaneously several systems of the money transfers such as system   "UNISTREAM",  "ZOLOTAYA KORONA", "INTEREXPRESS", "BLIZKO" and "WESTREN UNION".

Such possibility allows the bank to cover the different geographical regions that creates the additional comfort for user (the customers) of these systems. Simultaneously, speed of the realization of the money transfers, their safety and low brokerage fees, has proved; demand of these systems for period of their action.

The International transfers of the cash means on system   "UNISTREAM",  "ZOLOTAYA KORONA", "INTEREXPRESS", "BLIZKO" and "WESTREN UNION".  Through savings    pay-desks, situated in the branches of the bank, they have got very big popularity amongst populations.

At present demand for services on international money transfers grows steadily, development of the money transfers of the Individuals  on systems system   "UNISTREAM",  "ZOLOTAYA KORONA", "INTEREXPRESS", "BLIZKO" and "WESTREN UNION" remains one of the priority directions  of the bank activity.

The Extension of geographies of the money transfers allows saving the dynamics

of the development given directions on existing level with the result that share profitability directions can increase in several times.

Dealing operations

Being one of the main catalysts of the financial system of the republic and using its position as reliable business partner on international financial market, Uzpromstroybank gives wide spectrum of the services for their own customers and banks-partners in sphere of dealing operations such as:

  • Attraction and distribution of the cash means of the banks-contractor and customers in foreign currency for different periods on the current rate of interbank money market (Money Market);

  • a realization operations on the main world currencies such as, USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, RUB on the conditions of urgent physical supply SPOT, as well as conversion an operations type of FORWARD;

  • Trade cash banknote on the main currencies of the world (Banknotes Trading);

  • A granting information on current trend and conjecture of the market, quotations exchange vapor (pair) and forecast of their changes for extensive privities of the customers of the bank in real scale of time

Last updated date: 09.12.2019 11:35  