Salary project - creating comfort for yourself and your employees
Проект заработной платы

Salary project - creating comfort for yourself and your employees

Salary project

  • Benefits
  • Execution
  • Required documents

For the enterprise

  1. cash-registerThe volume of cash transactions is significantly reduced due to a decrease in cash turnover
  2. banknoteReduced loss of working time of employees to receive wages
  3. moneySalary is charged at a time and in a timely manner to all employees, regardless of their location (vacation, business trip, regional branch)
  4. secure-controlThe security and control of the processing of payment documents is increased, as well as the confidentiality of the calculation and issuance of wages
  5. contractReduced collection costs
  6. accountingAccounting is simplified

For staff

  1. salaryTimely receipt of wages
  2. surface1Possibility of cashless payment for goods and services
  3. business-and-financeSafety and security of funds
  4. commerceControl over operations on the card and the status of settlements by means of SMS notifications

Execution for receiving plastic cards for the salary project

  1. Written appeal
  2. Approved list of employees
  3. Application, a copy of the passport, as well as conclude an agreement with the bank for the use of a plastic card
  4. Conclude an agreement with a bank for the implementation of a salary project
  1. Application for a letter of guarantee
  2. Documents related to collateral
  3. Other documents at the request of the bank


Among the users of this service there are a wide variety of clients - from large enterprises and organizations of a republican scale to small private enterprises with several people. The service is provided regardless of the number of employees.

Last updated date: 28.04.2023 19:40  