Difference between a monetary contribution and a deposit

1. What do I need to get a loan?
It is important to meet the bank's requirements regarding the borrower's age, length of service, etc. You can get acquainted with the loan conditions on the official website of the Bank of Uzbekistan (sqb.uz) (there is also a list of documents required to get a loan) or call the bank's 24-hour call centre on short code 1180.
2. I receive my salary from another bank. Can I apply for a microloan through the Joyda app?
Yes, you can. All Joyda app users can apply for an online microloan, regardless of which bank their payroll card is with. More information on @SQB1991.
3. Can I get a loan without having an official job, although I have a stable income and a constant turnover on my card?
In order to obtain a loan, you need to be officially employed. Depending on the type of loan you choose, you will need to provide a payslip for the last four to six months. An income certificate is not required only if you pledge your car as collateral for a microloan or if you make a 40% deposit for a car loan. 
4. Is it possible to leave a pre-application for a loan in the online form?
Yes, you can do this at www.sqb.uz. You can also calculate the approximate amount of the loan using the online calculator.
5. What are annuity and differentiated repayment methods?
Annuity payments are always the same. This makes it easy to plan your budget. The instalments consist of an unevenly distributed debt and the amount of the overpayment. First the interest is repaid, then the principal.
The differentiated repayment system is characterised by the fact that the monthly instalments are initially higher and then lower. This is due to the fact that the amount of the principal debt is spread evenly over the entire duration of the credit and that interest is added to it, the amount of which gradually decreases.
The overpayment to the bank will be the same in both cases if the debt is repaid according to the payment schedule.
7. If I buy a car on credit, is insurance included?
When you take out a loan, you can include the cost of car insurance. If you take out a car loan to buy a locally manufactured car from an official dealer, you will receive an annual insurance policy as a gift.
8. Is it possible to buy a car on the secondary market?
No. At present, car loans are only granted for the purchase of new vehicles.
9. Is it possible to find out the prices of cars?
Yes, you can find approximate prices for cars in the online calculator at www.sqb.uz. However, more accurate information can be obtained from official dealers.
10. Who signs a contract with a car dealer?
The contract is concluded between the car loan holder and the car dealer.

Last updated date: 30.10.2023 14:12  