Service packages for corporate clients

Service packages for corporate clients

Service packages for corporate clients в АКБ «Узпромстройбанк»

Corporate package # 1

(It is possible to use only for corporate clients with an average monthly turnover in national currency of over 20,000 million UZS)
20 000 million UZS

(based on the analysis of the turnover of the last 3 full months of service, excluding internal transfers)

Type of operations



Operations in national currency


Transfer of funds (debit turnover) on bank accounts

от 0,04%

from turnover


Account maintenance



Issuance of certificates, confirmations
and duplicate statements for clients



Maintenance of the software complex "Bank-Client", "Mobile Banking"


Foreign currency transactions


Commission fee on transactions for the sale of foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market, purchased at the UzREX

not less

0,15% from the sum

Of these, 0.05% point is charged by Operational Department at JSCB "Uzpromstroybank"


Commission on transactions from the purchase of foreign currency from clients in the domestic foreign exchange market

0,05% from the sum


Commission fee for the conversion of one foreign currency into another foreign currency

not less

0,1% from the sum


Transfers of funds (reception and processing) of legal entities outside the republic:

а) with expenses for the beneficiary (BEN)

b) no cost to the beneficiary (OUR)

not less

0,1% from the transfer amount

не менее

0,1% from the transfer amount

At least 350 thousand soums,

maximum 5000 thousand soums

At least 350 thousand soums,

maximum 5000 thousand soums + commission of a foreign bank in the amount of
350 thousand soums


1) Package cost - 1 million UZS

2) The package is valid for 180 days from the date of purchase by the client

3) The cost of other types of bank services is set according to the Tariffs for banking services in JSCB "Uzpromstroybank".

Corporate package # 2

(It can only be used for corporate clients with an average monthly turnover in national currency of over
10,000 million UZS

(based on the analysis of the turnover of the last 3 full months of service, excluding internal transfers) )

Type of operations



Operations in national currency


Transfer of funds (debit turnover) on bank accounts

from 0.05%

from turnover


Account maintenance



Issuance of certificates, confirmations
and duplicate statements for clients



Maintenance of the software complex "Bank-Client", "Mobile Banking"


Foreign currency transactions


Commission fee on transactions for the sale of foreign currency in the domestic foreign exchange market, purchased at the UzREX

not less

0.2% of the amount

Of these, 0.05% & nbsp; point is charged by OPERA at JSCB "Uzpromstroybank"


Commission on transactions of buying foreign currency from clients in the domestic foreign exchange market

0.05% of the amount


Commission fee for the conversion of one foreign currency into another foreign currency

not less

0.1% of the amount


Transfers of funds (reception and processing) of legal entities outside the republic:

a) with expenses for the beneficiary (BEN)

b) no cost to the beneficiary (OUR)

not less

0.12% of the transfer amount

не менее

0.12% of the transfer amount

At least 350 thousand soums,

maximum 5000 thousand soums

At least 350 thousand soums,

maximum 5000 thousand soums + commission of a foreign bank in the amount of
350 thousand soums


1) Package cost - 2 million UZS

2) The package is valid for 180 days from the date of purchase by the client

3) The cost of other types of bank services is set according to the Tariffs for banking services in JSCB "Uzpromstroybank".

Last updated date: 29.04.2021 12:13  