Global limit

  • Required documents
  • Loan security

Limit concept

Based on the credit rating of the client and the group of related persons, an overall limit is set for the group


Use of all types of loan products available at the bank within the limit




Investment transactions, acquisition / modernization of fixed assets, construction - up to 3 years but not more than the payback period of the project; To replenish working capital - up to 3 years (by individual agreement, subject to full repayment every 12 months annually)


Within the limits of the amount established by the Procedure for organizing risk management in the system of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank".

Loan interest rate

when allocated at the expense of the bank's own funds - at a rate of at least 20% per annum (in national currency);
when the bank's own funds are allocated, at a rate of at least 8% per annum (in foreign currency);
in case of allocation at the expense of funds of foreign financial institutions - margin of a foreign financial institution + bank margin of at least 3%

Pledge requirements

At least 125% of the loan amount in the form of property, cash, sureties and other types of security (taking into account the requirements specified in certain types of products)

Basic requirements for a potential borrower

Enterprises that have passed state registration for more than 2 years; the presence of a primary or secondary account in the JSCB "Uzpromstroybank"; the presence of a client's share in the project in long-term loan products in the amount of at least 30%; a positive result in financial statements; no overdue debts on current loans; No more than 5 cases of overdue debt on previously received loans in the system of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" during the last 12 months

List of main documents submitted by the client:

1. Balance sheet for the last reporting period (form No. 1), statement of financial results (form No. 2) provided by the client to the relevant state tax;

2. Information about the last annual turnover of existing accounts in other banks (if any));

3. The consent of the client's founders to receive the limit, drawn up in the manner prescribed by the current legislation;

4. A copy of the contract for the supply of goods with the buyer;

5. Conclusion of an accredited international consulting company on the compliance of the price of the acquired fixed assets with the world market conditions.

6. Feasibility study for the allocation of a loan, approved in accordance with the established procedure

7. If construction is planned at the expense of a loan, then:

а. architectural and planning assignment for construction

b. estimate documentation for curl

j. examination of estimate documentation

If a surety is provided as security for a loan:

1. If the main account of the guarantor is served by another bank:

а. constituent documents of the enterprise;

b. information on the turnover on the company's accounts with other banks for the last 12 months;

j. the decision of the founders of the guarantee company on the appointment of the director of the company and the order on the appointment of the accountant of the company;

e. a copy of the passport of the director and chief accountant of the guarantee company;

2. A positive decision of the founders of the enterprise on the provision of a guarantee;

3. Balance sheet for the last reporting period (form No. 1), report on financial results (form No. 2);

Requirements for the surety:

1. The guarantor is a corporate client of the bank who is more than one year old from the date of state registration

2. The amount of the provided guarantee - the enterprise has sources of its own funds (balance sheet - 480 lines) in an amount not exceeding 1.5 times

When providing property as collateral for a loan:

1. Report of an independent appraisal organization, drawn up in accordance with the current legislation;

2. Constituent documents of the owner of the property (memorandum of association, charter and charter - if the property belongs to a third person);

3. The consent of the founders of the owner of the property, drawn up in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation on pledging property as collateral for a loan (if the property belongs to a third person).

  • Vehicles

  • The property

  • Equipment

  • Deposits

  • Other liquid objects

Last updated date: 28.04.2023 19:40  
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