Online revolver

  • Loan conditions


To replenish working capital through open/closed credit lines 


Up to 12 months - on an open line.




Within the amount determined by the Procedure for organizing risk management works in the system of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank".

Determined by a reliable customer rating based on scoring

A different amount may be established by the decision of the Bank's Credit Committee.

Fixed or variable settlement conditions

Fixed or variable (if in the concluded agreements the interest rate is set as a variable rate – in cases where it is tied to Libor, Euribor and other variable interest rates), interest is calculated daily and paid in accordance with the established schedule.

Loan repayment schedule

at the expense of the Bank's own funds:

Grace period up to 6 months.

Lending schedule in the form of monthly equal payments, starting from the month following grace period.

Grace period and repayment schedule for borrowed funds based on the terms of the financial institution that provided the funds.

Source of loan

At the expense of the bank's own funds and borrowed funds. In this case, the term and repayment of the loan should be proportional to the term and repayment of the source of the loan.

When applying online, the client will have the opportunity to select lines for which the software has a resource for 1 year.

Form of providing the product

By transferring funds 

Client (segment)

Corporate client


Clients of oil and gas, chemical, energy, transportation, metallurgy and other industries.

Basic requirements to client

Corporate clients with the period of activity more than one year from the date of state registration

Presence of main account in the bank

Conducting business with profit in accordance with the statement of financial results (Form No. 2)

Credit rating (creditworthiness) – must not be lower than the CC rating according to the scoring analysis system in accordance with the Procedure for organizing risk management works in the JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" system.

As of the date of the loan, there should be no overdue credit debts to banks and debts on the card file-2, as well as loans classified as "unsatisfactory", "doubtful", "hopeless";

The number of cases of carry-over of the amount of principal debt and interest from month to month over the past 12 months in the system of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" should not exceed 5 cases.

Exceptions can be made according to the decision of the Credit Committee.

No exceptions are made when receiving online.

Product security

No security required – trust loan

In this case, the main criterion is only the sufficiency of client's cash flows.

Last updated date: 28.04.2023 19:40  