Mahalla Yettiligi Mortgage

For the construction, reconstruction and renovation of private houses.


Loan amount

up to 120 million sums

Interest rate

18 %

Loan term

20 years

Down payment

15 %
Getting a mortgage is easy!

Get a consultation or pre-apply online

Choose a home and draw up a purchase and sale agreement

Submit the documents to the bank, conclude the loan agreement

Get a preliminary
answer in 2 minutes!

Doubtful about getting a mortgage? Fill in the online application form and find out the bank's decision now! You will need your passport and bank card details.

Helping you buy the home of your dreams
Documents required
  • Passport or ID card

  • Sale and Purchase Agreement

  • Income certificate

The loan is granted to citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan aged between 18 and 60 who are included in the Poverty Alleviation Programme and need to improve their housing conditions based on the recommendation of the "Makhalla Seven".

Methods of loan repayment


Send to number 2500

At the bank

In bank offices

From card

Via JOYDA mobile application

Download JOYDA

What's the purpose of the

This application has an introductory function to determine the creditworthiness of the payer and is not an offer contract. By completing the application, you will receive a preliminary decision from the bank on the issue of the mortgage.

Usefull to know
  • Loan conditions
  • Requirements for the borrower
  • Documents required
  • Additional expenses
Basic information

Purpose of the loan:

construction, reconstruction and repair of private houses.

Credit funds shall be allocated to a private contracting organisation, manufacturer/store of construction materials in accordance with the design and estimate documentation in the following order:

- up to 50% of the total loan amount after completion of work for the amount of down payment;

- up to 95% of the total loan amount after completion of works within the allocated loan amount;

- The remaining 5% of the total loan amount is repayable after the full realisation of the project.

That said:

- after signing the document on completed works between the client and the contracting organisation the responsible officer of the Credit Monitoring Service of the respective banking network personally inspects the completed works on site and draws up a target control document accompanied by photographs;

- upon submission of documents confirming the purchase of construction materials by the customer (invoices, bills of lading and other relevant documents), the responsible officer of the Credit Monitoring Service of the banking network inspects the performed works on site, attaches photographs and draws up a target monitoring act.

Interest rate of the loan:*

18 % (Central Bank rate + 4%)

Free period:

6 months (with differentiated payment method)

Maximum loan amount:

120,000,000 sums

First instalment:

15 % (of the value of the flat)

Payment schedule:

annuity or differentiated method (at the client's request)

Possible sources of the borrower's income:
- salary (at least 6 months)
- retirement pension
- income in the amount of 10% of the main activity in personal subsidiary, peasant farming or individual entrepreneurship (work experience of at least 6 months)
- retirement pension
- income in the amount of 10% of the main activity in personal subsidiary, peasant farming or individual entrepreneurship (work experience of at least 6 months)



  • the borrower is a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who has reached the age of 18 and is not older than 60 on the day of applying for a loan
  • have a stable job or receive regular income from a private subsidiary farm, peasant farm, individual entrepreneurship or other sources of income that are not contrary to the law. The income should be sufficient for monthly repayment of the accrued interest on the loan and the principal debt in accordance with the payment schedule
  • absence of mortgage loans allocated under the Poverty Reduction Programme and those in need of better housing conditions. Loans obtained before 1 May 2024 are not included in the calculation

  • passport or other identity document. If a military card is provided, a copy of the passport must also be presented
  • income data/electronic data (can be obtained through the bank's electronic programme)
  • recommendation letter from "makhalla seven" on inclusion in the Programme for Lifting Out of Poverty and Improvement of Housing Conditions
  • document confirming the right to a land plot for construction, reconstruction or repair of an individual house (including the right of lifetime inheritance)
  • design and estimate documentation for construction, reconstruction and repair of a private house must be approved in accordance with the legislation (construction and reconstruction of a house without approval of design and estimate documentation is prohibited)
  • contract for construction, reconstruction and repair or contract for the purchase and sale of construction materials with a contracting organisation
  • conclusion of an independent appraisal organisation on the market value of the pledged property
  • in case when the initial payment on the mortgage loan and part of the interest is to be covered from the state budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to provide a notice of subsidy
  • Other documents specified in the legislation may also be required.
  • Notary fees for the purchase and sale of the property;
  • Land registry fees for the registration of ownership;

  • Last updated date: 19.06.2024 17:20  