World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day, celebrated on June 8 at the United Nations, is designed to draw attention to the importance of protecting the oceans and its resources.

The ocean is the source of life, providing us with air to breathe and food to eat. It plays a key role in regulating climate and weather conditions, and is also the largest repository of biodiversity on Earth.

At the same time, today humanity is the worst enemy of the ocean. To date, about 90 percent of the large fish population has been depleted and 50 percent of coral reefs have been destroyed. Every day, plastic waste with a volume of 2,000 garbage trucks is dumped into the oceans.

Human-induced climate change is raising the planet's temperature, radically altering weather patterns and ocean currents, and disrupting the way marine ecosystems and the species that live within them live.

Overfishing, ruthless exploitation of resources and ocean acidification are endangering marine biodiversity, the UN warns. Coastal waters are polluted by chemicals and waste products.

On World Oceans Day, Uzpromstroybank urges us all to continue fighting for active action in this direction. Let's not just limit ourselves to today, but give priority to the ocean every day.

Дата последнего обновления: 07.06.2024 18:23  