Лизинговые операции

Leasing operations

Leasing services are provided to financially stable economic entities with the rights of a legal entity on the terms of payment, urgency, security and repayment of funds invested by the bank for the purchase of leased property.

  • Description
  • Opportunities
  • Benefits
  • Terms
  • Bond requirement

JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" offers leasing operations for the acquisition of vehicles, real estate, machine tools, printing and trade equipment, production lines, equipment for food and other industries and construction equipment. The Bank carries out only leasing operations, providing for the transfer of the leased object into the ownership of the lessee at the end of the lease agreement. In this case, the lessee must reimburse the bank for all the costs of acquiring the leased object associated with its delivery and bringing it into a condition suitable for its intended use, and pay the bank's interest.

  1. collectiveImplement large projects with limited own funds
  2. profitMaintain existing lines of credit
  3. contractOptimize taxation and use profit rationally
  4. accountingGet rid of the problem of collateral against a loan
  1. collective

    Long-term financing The lessor brings together the resources and capabilities of the lessee, adding its own resources. This allows you to provide leasing for a significantly longer period than a bank loan.

  2. debit-card

    Tax incentivesTechnological equipment provided under a lease agreement is exempt from VAT, customs duties and property tax

  3. business-and-finance

    Lack of collateralBy purchasing property on lease, you do not have to worry about the collateral

  4. commerce

    Selection of suppliersWe are able to develop and provide optimal mechanisms for the purchase, international lending and delivery of your property

Conditions for leasing operations

  1. collectiveMicroleasing - provided in accordance with the legislation on leasing for entrepreneurial activities in an amount not exceeding two thousand times the minimum wage at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  2. collectiveIn an amount exceeding two thousand times the minimum wage, leasing operations are carried out at least 18% per annum;
  3. debit-cardLeasing operations are carried out for a period of at least 12 months, but not more than the service life of the leased object;
  4. business-and-financeThe lessee provides additional security for at least 45% of the value of the leased object.

Leasing terms

Stage of increasing the authorized capital of the bank The size of the authorized capital Par value of share
Types of fixed assets transferred on lease No restrictions Imported equipment
Requirements for the lessee
Type of ownership Legal entities Legal entities
The volume of the enterprise, etc. Not limited Not limited
Leasing terms
Minimum 12 month 12 month
Maximum 7 year 7 year
In relation to the value of the leased object in% Minimum- 40% Maximum - 40%
Annual interest rate According to the contract According to the contract

Pledged property must meet the following requirements:

  1. protectioncollateral must be free of collateral and other obligations;
  2. protectionhave high liquidity;
  3. protectionbe at least 45% of the value of the leased object;
  4. protectionhave the ability to long-term storage;
  5. protectionbe able to carry out monitoring by bank employees;
  6. protectionpossession and pledge rights;
  7. protectionbefore the conclusion of the pledge agreement, the property must be insured for the lease term;
  8. protectionwhen providing real estate as security, together with the right to the property, the right to use the land must be granted.

Last updated date: 28.04.2023 19:40  