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Dear shareholder of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank"!
JSCB "Uzpromstroybank", located at the address: Tashkent, Shakhrisyabz street 3 (corporate website: www.uzpsb.uz, e-mail: info@uzpsb.uz), informs you that on May 28, 2021 at 11-00 am Tashkent time. You can attend at the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the bank remotely using the electronic voting service http://evote.uz/.
1. On the approval of the key performance indicators (KPI) of the Board of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank", developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2. On approval of the Procedure for application of key performance indicators (KPI) of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank".
3. On approval of the Corporate Governance Code of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank". (new edition)
4. On approval of the Development Strategy of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" for 2021-2023. On the cancellation of the Development Strategy of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" for 2019-2021, approved by the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders No. 01/2019 dated June 28, 2019.
5. On attracting a convertible credit line of the International Finance Corporation to the authorized capital of the bank. (Pursuant to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 29, 2021, No. 161)
6. On approval of amendments to the Regulation on the Management Board of JSCB "Uzpromstroybank".
• Date of formation of the register of shareholders for notification of extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders - April 27, 2021.
• Date of formation of the register of shareholders for participation in the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders - May 24, 2021.
• Shareholders can familiarize with the materials of the extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on the corporate website www.uzpsb.uz and http://evote.uz/. or send a request via the bank's email address: info@uzpsb.uz
Registration of shareholders begins on May 28, 2021 at 10:00 am Tashkent time and ends at 1100 pm Tashkent time using the electronic voting service via the Internet at http://evote.uz/.
Phone for inquiries: (78) 120-45-00 IP: 13-30; (99894) 711-13-75.