Loans for small business

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Micro crediting

Micro crediting the subjects of the small businesses

Micro crediting will be given to the borrowers for purchasing the mini equipments, development and expansion of own production, including for purchasing seeds, live-stock, birds, primary processing raw materials and materials.

The List of the necessary documents for consideration projects:

  • statement on reception of the credit, with instruction of the amount of the required credit;
  • business plan with obligatory instruction of the purposes of the use the given credit;
  • Credit provision; besides, only individual businessman or head of farming industry present the passport, which copy is put in credit deal.

Main terms of the issue of the micro credits:

  • micro credits are issued in national currency in amount, up to 1000 minimum salaries for day of the issue;
  • gained to account of the credit property in amount 80% from cost can serve the subject of the guarantee on given credit;
  • at period micro credit on contractual base up to 3 years;
  • Value of the percent rate is fixed on mutual agreement, on base of the credit agreement, but not more officially installed rates refinancing of Central bank. 50% does not exceed at the expense of the services of the special fund of the proportional crediting percent rates from rate of the refinancing of CB RU for day of the issue.

Micro credits to farming industry, the other subject of the small business, realizing its activity with forming the juridical person.

Micro credits are given to the borrower for purchasing mini equipment, development and expansion own production, including for purchasing seeds, live-stock, birds, primary processing raw materials and materials.

The List necessary document for consideration project:

  • credit application for reception of micro credit;
  • business plan with obligatory instruction of the analysis of the money flow;
  • credit provision;
  • accounting balance (the form №1) for the last reporting period, attested by the local (district) taxing inspection services and reference about debtor and creditor debts (the form № 2а), as well as acts of the revise on debts over 90 days, report about financial result (the form № 2).

Main terms of the issue of micro credits:

  • micro credit are issued in national currency in amount up to 1000 minimum salaries for day of the issue;
  • purchasing at the expense of the credit property in amount 80% from cost can serve the subject of the guarantee on given credit;
  • Value of the percent rate is fixed on mutual agreement on base of the credit agreement, but not more officially installed rates of the refinancing of the Central bank. 50% do not exceed at the expense of the facilities of the special fund of the proportional lending percent rates from rate of the refunding CB RU for day of the issue of the credit.

Micro credit on development household enterprise at the expense of the credit lines of the Fund of the assistance to employment.

The Credits are given to the borrower for purchasing of the live-stock, birds, seeds, seediness, construction and equipping the hothouses for growth agricultural products, buying mini equipment.

For consideration project necessary to give in bank:

  • credit application for reception micro credit;
  • business plan with obligatory instruction of the purposes of the use the got credit;
  • credit provision;
  • Besides, the individual businessman or head of household enterprise personally represent the passport, which copy is put in the credit deal.

Terms of the crediting:

  • credits on development household enterprise are issued in amount up to 150 minimum salaries, is allowed issue 50 percents of the amount of the credit by cash by money on buying the live-stock, birds, семян, seedling and seediness;
  • gained to account of the credit property in amount 80% from cost can serve the subject of the guarantee on given credit;
  • credits on development household enterprise to account of the credit line of the fund of the assistance to employment are issued for period up to 2 years without right of prolongation, percent on credit are added from the day of the issue of these credit and are enforced at the end of 6 months;
  • Value of the percent rate is fixed equal 1/4 parts from acting rates of the refinancing of CB RU.

Credits issued on shaping the start capital

The Credits are issued to the small businesses, newly created micro firms, and farming industry realizing its activity with forming the juridical person are given credits on shaping initial (starting) capital at the expense of credit line out budget the fund provided that applications for reception of the credit given not later than 6 months after state registration of these borrower.

The Credits are given to the borrower on shaping the circulating assets to begin activity, development techno economic basis of the investment projects, purchasing the equipments.

The List document required for consideration project:

  • credit application for reception of micro credit;
  • business plan with obligatory instruction of the analysis of the money flow;
  • credit provision;
  • the accounting balance (the form№1) for the last reporting period, attested by local (district) taxing inspection,
  • Reference about debtor and creditor debts (the form №2а), as well as acts of the revise on debts over 90 days, report about financial result (the form 2).

Terms of the crediting:

  • credits on development household enterprise are issued in amount up to 150 minimum salaries, is allowed issue 50 percents of the amount of the credit by cash by money on buying the live-stock, birds, seedling and seediness;
  • gained to account of the credit property in amount 80% from cost can serve the subject of the guarantee on given credit;
  • credits on development household enterprise to account of the credit line of the fund of the assistance to employment are issued for period up to 2 years without right of prolongation, percent on credit are added from the day of the issue of these credit and are enforced at the end of 6 months;
  • Value of the percent rate is fixed equal 1/4 parts from acting rates of the refinancing of CB RU.

Credits issued on expenses agricultural enterprise on pat-product in its raw state and grain, bought for state necessities

To account of the credit line of the Fund for payment for agricultural product, bought for state necessities at Ministry of finance RUZ.

Terms of the issue of the credit:

  • Low interest credits are issued for agricultural enterprises in amount up to 60 percents of the cost of the grown raw cotton and grain.
  • Periods of the issued credit for growth grain 12 months and for growth raw cotton 18 months, without right of prolongation.
  • Rate of the low rate credit is installed in amount 3% interest per annum.

The Credits are issued on the following purposes: on payment of the labor and their adding;

  • For purchasing of the mineral fertilizers and facilities chemical and biological protection of the plants;
  • For spare parts;
  • for payment of the services MTP, alternative MTP, the other enterprise having farm machinery and Alliance water user;
  • for payment of the cost seeds;
  • for purchasing spare parts for farm machinery;
  • for payments of the bills of leasing and insurance dues on it;
  • for payments used to electric powers;
  • for purchasing of the film used at sowing of the raw cotton ;
  • For payment single land tax.

The List of required documents for reception of the low interest credits:

  • credit demand for reception of the credit;
  • copy of the agreement from contracting with storage organization;
  • business plan;
  • Reference about debtor and creditor debts (the form № 2а), as well as acts of the revise on debts over 90 days, " report about financial result (the form№ 2).

Oxirgi yangilanish sanasi: 09.04.2021 15:04  